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1. Surname: Zaichenko
    First name: Alexander
    Second name: Anatolievich

2. DATE and PLACE of BIRTH: 18 November 1958, Saratov, Russia (USSR).

3. NATIONALITY: Russian.

    Dept.of Human Anatomy
    Saratov State Medical University
    Bolschaya Kazachya 112, Saratov 410012, Russia.
    Tel.: (007-845-2) 51-16-13, (007-845-2) 51-10-81.
    E-mail: zaichenko58@yandex.ru
    E-mail: zaichenk@med.sgu.ru
    Fax: (007-845-2) 24-35-31

    Volskaya, 20 A, 25.
    Saratov 410700, Russia.
    Tel.: (007-845-2) 24-21-84

5. MARITAL STATUS: Married, two children.

6. LANGUAGES: Russian. French.

    1976 - 1982 - Saratov State Medical Institute (therapeutic faculty).
    1982 - 1985 - Post graduation course at Saratov State Medical Institute (department of Human Anatomy).
    1987 - The elected questions of clinical anatomy (Central advanced training institute for doctors, Moscow).
    1992 - Normal anatomy (Kiev Medical Institute, Ukraine).
    1995 - Computer facilities, didactics of teaching (Saratov State Medical University).

    1985 - 1989 - Assistant at the dept. of Clinical Anatomy, Saratov State Medical Institute.
    1989 - 1993 - Assistant at the dept. of Human Anatomy, Saratov State Medical University.
    1993 - Assistant professor (senior lecturer) at the dept. of Human Anatomy, Saratov State Medical University, the secretary of the Saratov branch of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists (ARSSAHE), the chief of a student's scientific circle at dept. of anatomy of the man of the Saratov state medical university.


Lectures and seminars on anatomy of the man for the students of therapeutic and pediatric faculties (including foreign students) Saratov state medical university and Pedagogical institute of the Saratov state university

Authorâ?Ts cycle of lectures on medical anthropology for the students of therapeutic, pediatric and dentistic faculties

10. RESEARCH AREAS (SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS): craniology, anthropology


1987 - Cand. Med. Sci. in human anatomy (dissertation â??Morphology of the fronto-parieto-occipital region of the human cranial fornixâ??)

2000 - Doct. Med. Sci. in human anatomy (dissertation â??Constructional typology of human cerebral craniumâ??)

Aim - To study the variations in the morphogeometrical parameters underlining the biochemical stability of the human cerebral cranium to external mechanical influences and to develop its morphofunctional constitutional typology.

Materials under study - 819 skulls of men and women belonging to different age groups (250 skulls were frontally sectioned), along with the X-ray films of these skulls.

The study is based on the approach to the cerebral cranium as a gently sloping three-layer shell, close in its form to half-ellipsoid of rotation. The methods of traditional craniometry were used to measure the principal diameters of the skull. The thickness of the bone and its layers was registered with the help of the ocular inset scale mounted on MBS-2 microscope.

The following craniotypes are the extreme forms of cranial constructional stability:

a) The morphologically stable type wherein a large bone thickness, optimal correlation of the layers and small radii of curvature provide stability;

b) The structurally stable type, wherein the large bone thickness and optimal correlation of the layers provide stability;

c) The configurationally stable type, wherein small radii of curvature provide stability;

d) The morphologically unstable type, featured by a small bone thickness and large radii of curvature

Phylo-ontogenetic transformations in constructional stability of the human cerebral cranium have been also traced.


The number of publications - 127.

Representative publications:

Zaichenko A.A. A pubertal spurt in thickness growth of the human cranial fornix// Archive of anatomy, histology and embryology.- 1985.- V.88, â"-5.- P.81-82.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Definition of foetus length by the frontal fontanel size// Forensic medicine examination .- 1986.- Т.29, â"- 4.- С.29-31.

Zaichenko A.A. Morphology of the fronto-parieto-occipital region of the human cranial fornix.- Saratov, 1986.- 184 p.

Zaichenko A.A. Constructional typology of human cerebral cranium// The modern problems of medical anthropology.- Tyumen, 1990.- P.49-51.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A Morphological features of skulls with artificial deformation// Influence of the antropogeneous factors on morphogenesis and structural transformations of organs.- Astrakhan, 1991.- С.145.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A The ecological factors of variability of a human cerebral cranium// Ecology and health.- Saratov, 1991.- С.54-56.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. The local constitution of a human cerebral cranium// News of sport and medical anthropology.- 1991.- V.2 (6).- P.68-69.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Bases of craniotypology: the local constitution and variability of a human cerebral cranium// News of sport and medical anthropology.- 1991.- V.3 (7).- P.46-47.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Medical craniotypology: variability of constructional stability and local constitution of a human cerebral cranium// Urgent problems of medical morphology.- V.2, Pt.2.- Izhevsk, 1993.- С.247-253.

Dobrovolsky G.A., Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., Anisimova E.A., Andreeva G.F., Aleshkina O.Y., GladilinY.A. Genetic effects frequency in an annual urban human population// Influence of the anthropogeneous factors on structural transformations of organs, tissues, cells of the man and animal.-Pt.1.- Saratov, 1993.- P.4.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Variability of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium in anthropogenesis// Influence of the anthropogeneous factors on structural transformations of organs, tissues, cells of the man and animal.-

Pt.1.- Saratov, 1993.- P.21.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. A mechanical trauma as the antropogeneous factor of transformations of a human cerebral cranium// Influence of the anthropogeneous factors on structural transformations of organs, tissues, cells of the man and animal.- Pt.1.- Saratov, 1993.- P.22.

Zaichenko A.A. Variability of morphogeometrycal criteria of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium// Morphology.- 1993.- V.105, â"- 9-10.- P.79.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., ZaichenkoÐ?.I. Morphological parallels of topography of diploic channels of a human cranium and lateral line channels of a skull of fishes// Morphology.- 1993.- V. 105, â"- 9-10.- P.153-154.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Diagnostics of anomalies of formation of a foetus

cranial fornix// Problems of modern craniology. - St.-Petersburg, 1993.- P.26.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Variability of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium// Problems of modern craniology.- St.-Petersburg, 1993.- P.26-27.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., Zaichenko Ð?.I. The connected variety of the sizes of a human cerebral cranium during its growth// Problems of modern craniology.- St.-Petersburg, 1993.- P.27-28.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A. Individual variability of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium// Individual anatomic variability of organs, systems, tissues of the man and its importance for practice.- Poltava, 1994.- P.235-236.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Morphogeometrical parameters of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium and craniotypology// Urgent questions of medical morphology.- V.3.- Izhevsk, 1994.- С.71-77.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Craniotypology and morphogeometrycal parameters of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium// Russian morphological newsletters. - 1994. - P.65.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A Ecological aspects of craniology: fluctuating asymmetry of a human cerebral cranium// Influence of the antropogeneous factors on structural transformations of cells, tissues and organs of the man and animal.- Volgograd, 1995.- P.125.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A., Anisimova E.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Zagorovskaya T.M. A design and structural correlations of departments of a skull of the man// Modern problems of a medical science. Pt.1.- Saratov, 1994.- P.15-17.

Zaichenko A.A. Constructional typology of human cerebral cranium// Papers on anthropology. 4.- Tartu: Centre of physical anthropology, 1995.- P.255-258.

Demina N.A., Zaichenko A.A., Popova Ð .P. et al. The dictionary - minimum on Latin language: an anatomic cycle for the foreign students.- Saratov: College, 1995.- 60p.

Zaichenko A.A., Aleshkina O.U., Anisimova E.A. Constructional typology and stereotopometry of regions of human cerebral cranium// Abstract the 17 th Congress the Polish Anatomical society with international participation.- Gdansk, Poland, September 3-6, 1996.- Gdansk, 1996.- P.132-133.

Zaichenko A.A., Speransky V.S., Anisimova E.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Zagorovskaya T.M., Muzurova L.V. Age variability of constructional stability of a human cerebral cranium// Urgent questions modern neurology.- Saratov, 1997.- P.132.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Constructional typology of human cerebral cranium// Morphology.-1997.- Т.111, â"- 2.- С.102-105.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Anisimova E.A. Respiratory system.- Saratov, 1998. â?" 21p.

Zaichenko A.A., Anisimova E.A Definition of the constructional stability type of a human cerebral cranium// Forensic medicine examination .- 1998.- Т.41, â"- 1.- P.8-10.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A., Anisimova E.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Zagorovskaya T.M., Muzurova L.V. The craniologic correlates of upper respiratory tracts// Morphological problems of pulmonology.- Saratov, 1998.- С.74-75.

Zaichenko A.A., Anisimova E.A. Bases constructional typology of human cerebral cranium// Russian morphological newsletters.- 1998.- N3-4.- P.31-35.

Zaichenko A.A., Anisimova E.A. Constructional typology of human cerebral cranium// Folia Morfologica. -1999.- Suppl.1.- Vol.1, N.58.- P.282.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., GladilinY.Ð?., Ð?nisimiva Ð .Ð?. Diameters of a skull and weight of the brain// Russian morphological newsletters. - 1999.- â"- 1-2.- P.71-72.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Anisimova E.A., Muzurova L.V. Variability of an angle of the curve of the basis of skull and orientation of a plane of the large aperture// Russian morphological newsletters. - 1999.- â"- 1-2.- P.140.

Zaichenko A.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Anisimova E.A. Stereotopometry of craniovertebral area of the man// Macro- & micro-morphology.- Saratov, 1999.- V.4.- P.73-76.

Speransky V.S., Zaichenko A.A., Aleshkina O.Y., Anisimova E.A. The condition and prospects of medical craniology // Macro- & micro-morphology. - Saratov, 1999. - V.4. - P.81-85.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Constructional typology of human cerebral cranium. - Volgograd, 2000.-516 p.

Zaichenko A.A., Speransky V.S., Nikolenko V.N. et al. Age variability of craniovertebral area// Functional morphology and clinical medicine.- Rostov-on-Don, 2000.- С.30-31.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Artificial deformation of a human skull// Antique world and we. - Saratov: College, 2001.- 7.- P.68-83.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Medical constitutiology and somatotypology// Urgent problems of a pathology. - Saratov, 2001. - С.117-121.

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., Ð?nisimiva Ð .Ð?., GladilinY.Ð?. The variability and correllations of the brain mass and diameters of human skull in postnatal ontogenesis// Morphology.-2001.- V.120, â"- 4.- P.72 & Russian morphological newsletters.- 2001.- â"- 1-2.- P.201-202.

Ð?nisimiva Ð .Ð?., Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. Research of development of a human cerebral cranium from positions of Turing model// Urgent problems of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine.- Saratov, 2001.- P.22-23 (38-40).

Ð?nisimiva Ð .Ð?., Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?. The description of the form of a brain skull of the man into norm lateralis// Urgent problems of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine.- Saratov, 2001.- P.23-25 (40-42).

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., Ð?nisimiva Ð .Ð? Variability of the form of a brain skull of the man between a â??pole of sphereâ?? and â??pole of a gold proportionâ??// Urgent problems of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine.- Saratov, 2001.- P.51-52 (87-90).

Zaichenko Ð?.Ð?., Ð?nisimiva Ð .Ð? Transformation of a brain skull in anthropogenesis// Urgent problems of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine. - Saratov, 2001.- P.52-54 (90-93).


All-Union conference on functional morphology (Novosibirsk, Russia, June 5-7, 1984)

School - seminar All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists (ARSSAHE) on quantitative methods in morphology (Kuibyshev, Russia, June 12, 1986)

10-th All-Union congress of anatomists, histologists and embryologists (Vinnitsa, Ukraine, September 17-19, 1986),

2-nd All-Russia congress anatomists, histologists and embryologists (Leningrad, Russia, December 14-15, 1988),

Conference â??Modern problems of medical anthropologyâ?? (Tyumen, Russia, 1990),

Conference â??Mathematical modeling in medical-biological researchesâ?? (Kharkov, Ukraine, October 9-11, 1990),

Conference â??Structurally functional components in organs in norm and pathologyâ?? (Kharkov, Ukraine, October 1-3, 1991)

Conference â??Ecology and Healthâ?? (Saratov, Russia, 1991)

All-Russia conference â??Influence of the antropogeneous factors on morphogenesis and structural transformations of organsâ?? (Astrakhan, Russia, 1991)

Conference â??Problems of modern craniologyâ?? (St.-Petersburg, Russia, 1993),

2-nd All-Russia conference â??Influence of the anthropogeneous factors on structural transformations of man and animal organs, tissues and cellsâ?? (Saratov, Russia, September 16-18, 1993),

Congress of Association of anatomists, histologists and embryologists (AHE) (Tyumen, Russia, 1994),

International scientific conference â??Individual anatomic variability of human organs, systems, tissues and its importance for practiceâ?? (Poltava, Ukraine, 1994)

International conference â??Somatotypes of childrenâ?? (Tartu, Estonia, June, 15-18, 1994)

3-rd All-Russia scientific conference â??Influence of the antropogeneous factors on structural transformations of man and animal cells, tissues and organsâ?? (Volgograd, Russia, June 27-29, 1995)

1-st International congress on integrate anthropology (Ternopol, Ukraine, September 25-29, 1995)

7th International Anthropological Conference, (Tartu, 29 May-2 June 1995)

Conference â??Anatomical-surgical and experimental substantiation of operationsâ?? (Saratov, Russia, 1996)

3-rd Congress of the International Association of morpologists, International congress â??Physical culture, sports and nation healthâ?? (St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 12-15, 1996)

3-rd International conference on functional neuromorphology (St.-Petersburg, Russia, April 7-8, 1997)

International symposium â??Mathematical modeling in morphologyâ??

(Vinnitsa, Ukraine, May 5-9, 1997)

Conference â??Urgent questions of modern neurologyâ?? (Saratov, Russia, 1997)

Conference â??Plasticity and reactivity of organism, organs, tissues and cellsâ?? (Bishkek, Kirghizia,1997)

All-Russia symposiums â??Morphological problems pulmonologyâ?? (Saratov, Russia, September 15-16, 1998; Saratov, Russia, September 12-14, 2001),

4-th congress Russian morphologists with the international participation (Izhevsk, Russia, June 17-19, 1999),

18 ziazd polskiego anatomicznego society, 18 th Congress of the Polish Anatomical society with international participation (Gdansk, Poland, 26-29. 06. 1999)

3-rd International congress on integral anthropology (Belgorod, Russia, October 3-6, 2000).

All-Russia scientific conference â??The theory and practice of applied anatomic researches in surgeryâ?? (St.-Petersburg, October 11-13, 2001)

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[ 3D-Analysis of human skull ] [ Artificial cranial deformation ]
[ Lines of fission and diploic canals ]
[ Psychopathology ] [ Zen ]

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